How to Choose a Fiber Laser Marking Machine in market? — Part two —Doris
How to Choose a Fiber Laser Marking Machine in market?—Part two
Along with the important characteristics of the laser source, one must also consider the full laser marking system when coming to a decision, on which fiber laser marking machine will be best suited to an application:
Beam Steering for fiber laser marking machine:
A laser marking system can use one of two methods, for steering the laser beam to make the necessary marks.
Galvanometer for fiber laser marking machine:
A Galvanometer based system for beam steering, uses two mirrors that quickly oscillate to move the laser beam back and forth. This is similar to systems used for laser light shows. Depending on the focusing lens used on the system, this can provide a marking area as small as 2″ x 2″ or as large as 12″ x 12″. The galvanometer type system can be very fast, but generally has a longer focal length and thus a larger spot size. Also, with a galvanometer type system, it can be easier to account for contours on the part you are marking. This is achieved by including a lens on a third galvanometer, to change the focal length while marking.
Gantry for fiber laser marking machine:
In Gantry type systems, the beam is steered via mirrors mounted on long linear axes, similar to what you might have seen on a 3D printer. In this type of system, the linear axes can be any size, and so the marking area can be configured to whatever is needed. The gantry type systems are generally slower than the galvanometer system, since the axes have to move a much longer distance and have much more mass to move. However, with the gantry system, the focal length can be much shorter, allowing for smaller spot sizes. Generally, gantry systems are better suited for large, flat pieces such as signs or panels.
Software for fiber laser marking machine:
Like any major equipment, the software used should be user friendly, with a simple user interface and all of the features needed. Most laser marking software include the capability to import images, but one should be sure that the software can handle both vector files (such as .dxf, .ai, or .eps), and raster files (such as .bmp, .png, or .jpg). Another important feature to check, is that the laser marking software has the capability to create text, barcodes of various types, automatically changing serial numbers and date codes, simple shapes, or arrays of any of the above. Finally, some software includes the capability to edit vector files directly in the software itself, rather than using a separate image editor.
These basic factors can help you make an informed decision when purchasing a fiber laser marking system for your company.

More important details will continue~~~
Attn: Doris
Skype: xtlaser103
Whatsapp: 008615990992073